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Meet Billy

I’m excited to be putting my name forward for Councillor of District 15 - Lower Sackville - Beaver Bank.  I am a hardworking Project Manager, out in the field every day. I get up, put on my boots, and work long hours, much like many Haligonians. I cross paths with many people in the blue-collar trades and understand the pressures taxpayers are facing. I have a strong work ethic and a great deal of pride, a sentiment that has been confirmed by many I have worked with over the years.

When needed I can replace my hard hat and boots with a suit and tie and advocate for my community.

I am married to my high school sweetheart and we are proud parents of two boys.  I was raised in Sydney, Nova Scotia and have lived in the Lower Sackville - Beaver Bank community for over 20 years.  For the past decade, I have volunteered as a baseball coach in the LWF community, helping to develop and shape our local youth.  My family frequents local parks, libraries, community centers and trails, which are an important part of living in a vibrant community.

I plan to bring the same hands-on work ethic to this role and commit to transparency and open lines of communication to earn your trust. I promise to have a high level of accountability in representing the residents of District 15 and addressing the concerns that matter most to our community.  I will be working for the residents who elect me.

As a taxpayer, like all of you, I will inform and consult with you of important decisions regarding issues before they are implemented, not when it is too late, ensuring your voice is heard.

I advocate for collaboration with provincial and federal partners to achieve our shared goals without playing the blame game or neglecting important issues affecting us.


Together, we can make informed decisions that benefit our district.

HRM residents, and specifically, we the residents of District 15, pay a high percentage of our income for the number of services we receive. If you elect me on October 19th, I will work diligently to ensure our tax dollars are spent wisely and ensure we maximize
decisions to keep those costs stable, not rising in the years to come.

Thank you for considering me as your representative. I am dedicated to serving our community with integrity and transparency.




Elect Billy with Headshot
collage of Billy and family photos

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