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Beaver Bank Matters: 

Committing to Addressing the Community’s Key Issues

Previously, Beaver Bank was part of District 14, but now finds itself within the newly realigned District 15, encompassing both Lower Sackville and Beaver Bank.  One thing I have heard during this campaign from the residents of Beaver Bank is a general concern that the community will be overlooked.  As the only candidate running that lives in Beaver Bank, I appreciate the significance this holds for our community.

Photo of newly aligned District 15 - original can be found here:

district-15-2024.pdf (

Having called Beaver Bank home for nearly two decades, I stand committed not only to listening but to taking action, I have a deep understanding of the challenges faced by those who share this community. In my time here, raising my sons who have actively engaged in activities from 2nd Beaver Bank Scouting to managing Bee Hives in Kinsac, it has provided me with a deeper appreciation of what this community is about. I have coached many of the Beaver Bank youth in baseball which has been rewarding to see them grow up and become strong members of our community.   

I recently launched a community survey to hear directly from residents about their concerns.  The top three concerns for our community are (starting at the highest rated):

1.      Traffic

2.      Infrastructure

3.      Emergency Evacuation

Personally navigating the congested junction of Windgate onto Beaver Bank Road multiple times a day, I feel the pain with the urgent need for improved traffic management.  This intersection is part of a greater provincial highway infrastructure plan of connecting roads and building roundabouts to link up with Middle Sackville and onto Highway 101.  This plan would help with the emergency egress that is needed especially following the wake of the 2023 wildfires.

This plan has been talked about for over 20 years and in my opinion, if both levels of government are not going to move this forward with the full project, we at least need to have lights installed as Phase 1 and be done in such a way where they could continue with the greater project in the future. 

My promise to all of you is if I’m successful in getting elected I will be making this a top priority by working with our Provincial representative to push this forward. 

When it comes to better transit, I believe our entire transit system in the Municipality is broken and needs a full review from the bottom to the top.  One easy solution that other cities have implemented is a quick loop, small vehicle transit service.

During this campaign, I have answered every email, phone call and social media question, if elected I promise to continue listening.  I have come to value accountability and transparency - qualities honed through my experience as a Project Manager in the Tech and Trades Construction Industry.  This is our community, it is Our Vision, Our Voice. 

Vote for Beaver Bank's Own - Billy Gillis

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